Monday 5 January 2015

The Top 5 Reasons People Make It In The Music Industry.

5: Learn from people who are better than you

Rather than wasting energy feeling you have to compete with something you can embrace and learn from it. Another trap to fall into is that you end up trying to reason with yourself that better music is just different, when deep down you know it’s really better. Look for musicians around you who aren't famous yet still brilliant. It’s easy to say that you’re not as good as Bob Dylan, it’s harder to say it about a peer musician.

4: Why do you play music?

If the answer is to impress people with your skill or to become famous, then you’ll never be a great musician. The reason great musicians are great is because they speak to us. They have something to say other than ‘look at me’. So many musicians think that becoming great is just about acquiring technique. Skill is important, but it’s what you do with it that’s important. Technique is the vessel through which you say something. If you want to be great you must get over being timid and throw your personality into your music.

3: Social media.

Social Media websites are a tool. They are ONE piece of the online music marketing puzzle. Music industry companies (record labels, artist managers, etc.) are far more interested in the popularity of YOUR website, not how many friends you have Facebook. Want to impress the industry with your band's promotion? Build your online traffic.

2: Friends.

Surrounding yourself with people who are negative, lazy and lack ambition. If you are very serious about becoming a professional musician and building a great career in music, then you absolutely must surround yourself with like-minded musicians.

1: Entertain.

Be an Entertainer. Being a musician is ultimately not just about you. It’s about creating joy for other people. If you never make this connection, you’ll never grow an audience. Whether you create death metal or folk music, keep you audience in mind. A great musician has the right attitude.  So, keep practising your craft, maintain your good attitude, treat people right, and your talent will shine.

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