Sunday 10 May 2015

5 Simple Steps To Sell Online

Step 1. Is selling online right for you? 

Does it make sense for you to sell online. It is easier to sell digital items as there is no physical delivery to consider but if you are planning on selling a physical product, you should consider the following:

International or domestic delivery?
A returns policy?
Delivery cost in the price?

Buyers are often more willing to purchase a product that includes delivery than one at the same price that has delivery shown separately.

Step 2. Choose Effective Keywords 

Keywords are, well, the key.  

How to pick keywords? Really try to anticipate what your potential prospects will type into the search engines to buy or learn about a product on a website like yours. 

Keywords need to meet three sets of criteria: 

Popularity – The amount of search volume that each keyword generates. 
Relevance – How the keywords relate to what members of your target market are regularly querying on the search engines. 
Competitiveness – How easy it is to appear high in the search-results stack for a particular keyword.  

Step 3. Market Your Product 

Now it’s time for the hard work to start. 

Work your existing circles of influence – you already have a network you can leverage even if it feels like you don’t.…your friends & family. Even if they only initially buy something to support you, you’ve made a sale…congratulations. Every little thing counts and asking your friends and family to help spread the word is the first, simple step you can take. 

Set up a Facebook page – depending upon the type of product you’re selling, a Facebook page is likely to be one of the most suitable social media platform to promote it – largely because there’s a wide range of people in different demographics which usually covers the kind of audience you’ll need. 

If your not selling , then you’ll need to reassess what’s not working & why: 

Why aren’t people responding to what you offer? -- Is there a strong demand for it? 
Are you targeting the wrong people? -- Are you packaging it in the wrong way? 
Is it priced correctly? -- Are you reaching the right people effectively? 

The key thing about marketing, other than making sure you do it on an ongoing basis, is to always evaluate what you’re doing and how well it’s working. Establishing healthy marketing activities at the beginning is the key to a long term, profitable business selling your products from wherever you are – do your best not to fall into the trap that so many small business owners do…they only market when they need new business.

Step 4. Accepting  Payments

Credit Cards: To accept credit card sales online you will need an online payment gateway. There are lots of payment gateway providers to choose from. Most payment gateway providers offer an internet merchant account, as do banks, and third party merchant account providers. Shop around for the best deals as the charges vary. You’ve been warned.

PayPal: PayPal is easier and quicker to set up as it integrates with most major shopping carts. Setting up the merchant account sounds easy, but this step can be frustrating for many people as it can take days, many phone calls and emails. 

Step 5. Remember !

Do your research. Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into and exactly what you want. 
Carry out an online transaction at a store that has inspired you, detail their pros and cons and pass on an even better experience to your customers. 

Make sure your website design matches what you are actually selling. e.g A site selling $500 handbags has to look smart.