Thursday 7 May 2015

Top 5 Reasons Why It's Cool To Be An Entrepreneur.

5) Creative freedom.
Entrepreneurs creativity is not defined or constricted by red tape. Many entrepreneurs enjoy the creative freedom associated with calling their own shots. That freedom  to create, to fail and to create again. And even if your 100% wrong its unlikely that you will fire yourself  - You'll just start again.

4) Your ideas come to life.
Entrepreneurs love bringing ideas to life. - If you know that you will not find peace in your life until your vision becomes a reality, you are willing to invest valuable resources, and acquire new knowledge - it could be time to start your own business.

3) Proudly stand on the shoulders of giants.
Many Entrepreneurs aim to improve upon old ideas that no longer work in today’s business environment. It has been said that “There are only three original jokes and all the others have been derived from them".  It’s why Hollywood remakes old movies. And the dearth of original ideas is why businesspeople sometimes pay other businesspeople to come up with a new concept for their own products or services. To sum up - Entrepreneurs are complainers with solutions.

2) Personal fulfilment by pursuing your passion.
Entrepreneurs aren't stuck in a career that they aren't passionate about. Sadly, that is not the case for many employees who report into a thankless job, day-in and day-out. Entrepreneurs  are driven by the pursuit of their passions in life.  What’s your excuse for not following your passion?

1) Financial independence.
Financial independence means different things to different people. To some, it means having the cash to buy what they want. To others, it means saving for a car or a home. And for some people, it simply means opening the bills without dread. Whatever your definition, it means you command your money and not the other way around. That’s a victory entrepreneurs believe is worth celebrating.

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