Thursday 7 April 2016

5 Experts You Need When Writing Your 1st Novel.

1) The Editor: The editor will check if your manuscript makes sense, highlight contradictions, provide advice on what to omit and where the story requires further development. Although the editor won’t be the last line of defense when it comes to grammar and spelling, they will flag most errors.

2) The Cover Designer: The cover designer will provide the front & back cover of your novel. The question here is how do you brief the designers? There are many ways. One is to ask different illustrators to read the first chapter of your novel before deciding what the cover should look like. 

3) The Proofreader: The proofreader will focus on ensuring that the content is print ready. Before sending a manuscript to the proofreader, read it twice over, then put it through Grammarly.  After that you can listen to the story using the dictation feature in Microsoft Word a few times. The reason it’s good to listen to a story is because our brains know how to make something seem correct when in actual fact it’s incorrect.

4) The Typographer: The typographer will help with the layout and content of your novel, to make it look professional. Find someone who can format it in a way that it will be suitable for laptops, mobile phones, and kindle devices. In seeking a typographer, find someone who is recommended by a printing company. 

5) The Printer:  To find the best one for you, you can check the credits section of a book with aesthetics you like. As always, compare prices, but know that some of the cheaper ones can often offer a lower quality, inferior product.

Here's No.6

6) The Book Promoter: It doesn't matter if you wrote the greatest novel ever and offered it for free, you still have to engage in marketing to achieve success. An author's job is writing and authors should carry on writing and get more novels up for sale. Having a selection of books available gives the reader choice, and readers who like one book will go on to buy a second or third, naturally bumping sales. Recommended is Lady Sara's Book Service who will do the marketing for you.
